
Why Younger families moving to the country seems on the decline.

The first thing I would comment on is that it seems as though the Foothills W5 area is still slower in sales than the W4 area and certainly much slower than many city areas. It also seems there is a growing trend of fewer buyers for the amount of country inventory. Still not sure why people would not want to live in this beautiful country setting but it seems more people are preferring the quicker access that the SE area currently offers  and certainly certainly a trend away from acreages for many younger families and many more older people now deciding for downtown condo options. I have been pondering these trends and have the following opinions as to possibly why. The irony of this is that many of the people still moving out to the country are still building new and very very large homes on acreages. The challenge is selling these expensive properties when it comes time to sell! Continue reading

A Look Back & Look Ahead – Acreage Activity

It was interesting to analyze and review the actual recorded sales activity levels for 2017 in the two MD’s so I could get a true understanding of sales across various categories and price ranges. We all need to be discerning when reading projections about real estate trends in the news as there is a tendency for some reporters to lump real estate statistics such as percentage historical results and predicted price gains across all real estate and one doesn’t get a true sense of differing actual numbers for various sectors of the marketplace. This can affect people’s attitudes and sometimes leads to unfounded pricing expectations and trends among sellers and the public. Continue reading


When preparing to sell your home, the goal is to sell it quickly at the highest price possible within the current market, while investing as little as possible in renovations.

Tip #1: Refresh the Exterior
Many buyers will not venture out of their car if they do not find the exterior appealing. Painting trim, pressure washing vinyl siding and windows, replacing damaged eaves troughs will simply improve the exterior look. Also repair exterior & paint outbuildings to tie them to the home and reflect care. Continue reading

Business Owners Networking & Speaker series

Thursday, September 19, 2019

7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Come and see our amazing Speaker and get the chance to mix and mingle with many other business owners, staff, & soon to be entrepreneurs ready to take a leap! We can all be greater together so why not learn together, grow together and build business together?

Come and meet our CORE group and what they are up to!

See for more information